Have a Day

It’s World Mental Health Day.  The theme is “Depression: A Global Crisis”.

And I thought it was just me.

My husband, the long-suffering Cap’n Firepants, took a picture the other day that he shared with me.  It’s a bit blurry, but the metaphor is just perfect.

“Insanity is knowing that what you’re doing is completely idiotic, but still, somehow, you just can’t stop it.”  ~Elizabeth Wurtzel
From Prozac Nation

This is the dilemma I face every morning when I get out of bed:  whether I should spend my day defiantly perched upside down on a weapon of destruction, waiting for a stream of killer soap made with seaweed extract to put me out of my misery – or go eat some bugs.



Posted on October 10, 2012, in Depression, Humor and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 31 Comments.

  1. We want a picture of the Bulldog!!!

  2. What a fabulous picture – I’m still chuckling. I definitely recommend defiant perching instead of bug-eating. It’s all about attitude. 🙂

  3. Great photo, Cap’n! BTW, I just saw your ticker and remembered your furniture- give WB an extra rubdown from me for doing so well with it.

  4. ou’re in a bit of a pickle then my friend..I just wish I could do something to help you..depression is such an awful illness, yet nobody really understands ..why?

    Not a lot I can do from this distance but I will pray for you for prayer has no limit in distance or place…Bless you

  5. We are all perched on the poison.

  6. That photo is awesome! And THAT is we double-wash the organic veggies… 😉

  7. I have the exact same problem.

  8. Miranda Gargasz

    It’s all in the way you look at it. I see a Praying Mantis getting ready to kick some organic soap’s butt. He looks pretty darn riled up to me.

    Here’s to hoping you find what gets you riled up and ready to kick some butt, because I’m with you in this battle, sister. Depression sucks.

    • For about an hour each day I am in butt-kicking mode. But it coincides with crying about imagined transgressions, and things get a bit confusing.

      • I totally understand. I am currently in butt kicking mode but with the holidays just around the corner, I’ll be in super crying mode with difficulty raising my head off the pillow.

  9. I wish I could tell you how many of my days could be reduced to that question.
    fortunately, with your sense of humor, I’d venture to say you’re doing alright…

  10. beautiful. perfect. no one could have said it better. and happy mental health day!

  11. How about neither? Come over and share a cup of hot chocolate.

  12. I love this post (well, the whole blog actually, but you know what I mean). I feel the same way about my day and my mental health. Although I try not to find myself perched on pesticides or eating bugs, I completely agree with the metaphor and will jump off the nozzle and chow down on some bugs today!

  13. Let it go and eat the bugs. I’m all about doing what is the easiest.

  14. what a great picture of a mantis!!! Ginger thinks it would be wonderful it a follow up picture shoiwng wonderbutt eating the mantis was there….. hehehe

  15. Have you considered stand-up comedy. ROFLMAO

    The animals around here are very selective with their bug desserts.

  16. My recent but long delayed post is about my depression, without actually naming it as such – so yes, I’m with you. I’m annoyed with myself a bit too, as fall is usually ‘my’ season but not so much this year. Bah, humbug already. And I hope your mantis survived – she eats the bad bugs! Wish we had the same sort of natural option to eat our bad head-bugs.

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