December’s Dead Rubber Post

I need to title these a bit more carefully, I guess.  I was searching my own blog to find out if I ever did a November Dead Rubber Post, and found the one that I did last year.  Only, I had to read half of  it to realize that I wrote it over a year ago.  Which makes me wonder, “If I don’t even remember it, my readers, half of whom had probably not even chanced upon my blog yet last November, would probably not remember it.  Which means that I could do a little copy/paste trick and none would be the wiser.”  Except now that I’ve filled you in on my evil scheme, you would be wiser.  If I even had the energy to erase those first few sentences, I would not have to be composing a Dead Rubber Post to begin with.  So, here we are.

If you would like to read last November’s Dead Rubber Post, and to find out what the heck a Dead Rubber Post is, then you can click here.  Otherwise, you can just look at some pictures of Wonderbutt the Bulldog employing his usual diplomatic manners as he encounters more evidence of nefarious Christmas decor that must be eaten.

Wonderbutt and Mrs. Pain in the Butt confront a new holiday decoration.

Wonderbutt and Mrs. Pain in the Butt confront a new holiday decoration.

Mrs. P.I.B. keeps her distance, but Wonderbutt never backs away from a fight.

Mrs. P.I.B. keeps her distance, but Wonderbutt never backs away from a fight.

Wonderbutt cautiously approaches.

Wonderbutt cautiously approaches.


Wonderbutt ferociously warns Penobscott Penguin that his presence is not welcome in the Firepants household.

Wonderbutt ferociously warns Penobscott Penguin that his presence is not welcome in the Firepants household.


Penobscott deflates in defeat.

Penobscott deflates in defeat.

Satisfied that he has established his Grinchitude, Wonderbutt retires to his bed to chew on his (rein)deer antler.  We're still waiting for him to discover the tree...

Satisfied that he has established his Grinchitude, Wonderbutt retires to his bed to chew on his (rein)deer antler. We’re still waiting for him to discover the tree…






Posted on December 3, 2012, in Dogs, Family, Humor, Interior Decorating, Wonderbutt and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 21 Comments.

  1. It’s snowing! (Well, not literally. That would be weird, since it is actually 80 degrees here)

    • Ok. So, dumb question: When it is winter there, does it snow? I know it’s almost summer there now, but I was just wondering if you ever get to see the white stuff…

      • Short answer – it never snows in Sydney (or Auckland, where I’m originally from) but I am a massively keen snow skier, so I get to see the white stuff reasonably often.

        And that is not a dumb question – our seasons are just the opposite to yours. Our water swirls the opposite way down the drain, too!

        • It’s snowed twice in San Antonio since I’ve been here (25 years). One time, strangely, it snowed further south of here – on Christmas day. We happened to be going down there to see the in-laws anyway, so Dimples got to have her one and only White Christmas!

  2. You didn’t write one last month? I guess you didn’t. So shouldn’t you be allowed two this month?

  3. I love your funny honesty!

  4. Haha, it doesn’t seem like you do as many dead rubber posts anymore? I am now going to check every dead rubber post against the previous years…

  5. The dogs are awesome. Wonderbutt is fab and Ms PIB precious. Question… how far has wonderbutt gotten on the deer antler? We have one and our Mutt, lab mix, has claimed it. Ours in in great condition. in fact, we could find a sleeping deer and replace it. The deer would never know the difference.

    • Wonderbutt still hasn’t made a dent in that antler, and he chews on it every day! Granted, he does not attack it with the zeal that he did when he first received it, but it sure is one of the best investments we’ve ever made – unlike Wonderbutt, himself 😉

  6. I’m waiting for a Live Rubber Post, at least one pimped in that way.

  7. Wonderbutt is quite the Scrooge! Cobalt tries to nibble on our Christmas tree now and again – he LOVES sticks and apparently the bigger the better. I watch him like a hawk.

  8. i told hubby about wonderbutt eating the gel window clingies and he nearly died. i am really worried about your tree.

  9. I think you should copy and paste next months dead rubber.
    That’ll teach us!

  10. LOL….. Ginger says Wonderbutt should’ve cooked that pengion for lunch. When he discovers the tree you wont have to water it ever again…. hehehe

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